Cost $25
What to expect: String art classes are now led by video tutorial! You’ll be able to access the links via QR code on your smart phone or tablet! Then, you can go at the project at your own pace (until 8pm ) If you don’t finish your project before the event is over, no problem! You can take home string and finish in your own time!
Tutorials? ***Videos run from 5-7ish minutes, depending on your design choice. You can watch/pause/work or watch it in its entirety & start stringing! Enjoy the company of the kitties and those at your workspace!
Where to go on the event date: 153 N Broadway is the door number. You can pick you instructions and project starting at 5:45. This event is located inside Safe Haven Pet Sanctuary in Green Bay. And Victoria of Ruby & Grain Designs will be there for any guidance you may need during the evening
Please keep in mind that this event is kid-friendly, but recommended for ages 10+ to be done independently. Otherwise, younger children will LIKELY need a generous amount of help & guidance from an adult as this is a skilled fine-motor art project.