(920) 489-2462

Speed Dating with Kitties 50+

Safe Haven Pet Sanctuary Inc. 151 North Broadway, Green Bay, WI, United States

Safe Haven's last speed dating event was a smashing success! We ran into one issue, there was a VERY wide variety of ages. This summer, we are splitting up into groups by age. This event will be speed dating for people who are over the age of 50! Enjoy conversation, icebreakers, snacks, music, and wine […]


Haven Books: Author Reading and Book Signing!

Haven Books 151 n broadway, green bay, WI, United States

Join us for our FIRST event inside of Haven Books, our used book store inside Safe Haven! Authors Ruthie Knox and Annie Mare, who go by alias "Mae Marvel", will be here promoting recent release "Everyone I Kissed Since You Got Famous". Entry tickets to the book reading cost $5, or you can purchase a […]

$5.00 – $20.00